New Technology to Make a Work Site Safe

We’re on the brink of having a society filled with robots. Think of recent developments: drones, roombas. Companies and consumers are turning to robotic technologies to make their lives easier. Now, robots can potentially help with construction site security. Security is key at a construction site. Why? Often, things get stolen from these sites, so it’s essential to think ahead and plan security measures to keep your site and equipment safe.

  • Virtual guards are a new technology that can replace a physical security guard. A virtual guard is a camera system, which means it can see and track more than a human. It also never leaves its post or gets distracted. Camera are set up around the perimeter of the site. The system does a walk through of the site on a schedule just like a regular guard would. The virtual guard also can have a panic button for workers to use if an emergency occurs on site when no one else is around. The panic button will contact authorities. Click here to learn more about this virtual guard.
  • Drones are starting to be used in construction sites. They can sense body heat at night and determine if there is a trespasser. They can fly around and search the entire property faster than a human can.
  • Robot security guards by Knightscope are 300 pounds and use to scare off trespassers. They move around quickly and chase away intruders and record everything. They haven’t been used in construction sites yet, but will be in the future.

These robotic options can make a work site safer, and also are most cost effective in the long run. If you are in charge of construction sites, you may want to consider using these new technological advances in security.


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