How to keep Your Construction Site Safe

Did you know that construction equipment theft is a really big problem? Unfortunately, it is. Contractors truly have to concern themselves with this issue. Construction zones and project areas are known to be high-risk targets for theft. In fact, according to the National Equipment Register (NER), only about 25% max of all stolen items are ever found. The average loss of stolen equipment is $46,273. However, the national amount that is stolen each year is between $300 million and #1 billion. That’s a lot!

Is it inevitable that your construction work zone will get robbed? Not necessarily. There’s plenty you can do to protect yourself and equipment as best as possible. However, nothing is fail proof, and you cannot guarantee your equipment’s safety, but you can raise your chances of remaining theft-free.

As a Florida contractor licensing company, we understand the importance of this equipment and it can truly make/break a business if thousands of dollars worth of things go missing. We wanted to share with you a few ideas and tips of things you can do and incorporate in your construction site to protect your equipment.

  • Make sure your equipment is always secured and locked before leaving the site for the day.
  • If you have smaller tools and equipment, store them in a locker/shed/bring them back to an office, so they won’t be out in the open and easy to grab.
  • Surround the work site with a chain-link fence/barb wire to keep out unwanted intruders.
  • Opt for a video surveillance/alarm system if you’re working a big job with expensive equipment.
  • Put up signs telling people that the area is under video surveillance.
  • Manage, monitor, and be restrictive about who has access to keys, codes, and combinations to access work sites.
  • Install security lighting. It’s harder for intruders to get away with theft if they can be easily seen.
  • Always keep an up-to-date log of inventory, so you will know exactly when something is missing.
  • Look for technologies and apps that help improve your security and safety. For example, keyless ignitions and personal ID numbers to gain access to something.

You want to deter thieves from entering your work site. You want to make it look hard for them to steal anything, so that they won’t even bother. Stolen equipment is a headache. You will lose money and it could slow down your project completely. Think about incorporating some of the key tips above to help protect your construction assets.

Are you interested in a career in contracting? Let us help you get your Florida contractor’s license. We are a Florida contractor licensing company who has helped thousands of people get licensed. We do all the work for you. You’ll be licensed in no time! Click our Florida contractor’s license contact page or call us at 239-777-1028 to get started with us today.


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